Susan Stern is seeking her third term on the Radnor School Board. In her first term on the Board, Radnor implemented the area’s first public school full-day kindergarten program and hired Ken Batchelor as Superintendent. She has served on the Facilities, Finance, and Policy Committees. Susan has spent the last four years in leadership, the first as Vice President and the last three as President. Under Susan’s leadership, the District has undertaken groundbreaking initiatives including: the “Later Start Time” at Radnor High School, a strategic planning process to address capital improvements throughout the District and the long-term commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. These projects are all in the early stages and must be supported by the Board in order to address the needs of those impacted. Most recently, she led the Board in approving a transformative Accessibility and Wellness Project at Radnor High School. Most of these improvements to the campus and building are centered on an inclusive design for all, with enhanced facilities that will benefit not only students but the community at large.
Susan graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, working as an intensive care nurse early in her career. She was a stay at home parent for many years, before returning to work part time as a business manager for a local church. She is currently self-employed.
Susan has volunteered in many capacities over the years: as a founding Board Member and Treasurer for Skunk Hollow Community Garden, eight years as a Member of the Radnor Planning Commission, Treasurer for Radnor-Wayne Little League and Leader of Radnor Cub Scout Pack 19. Susan now serves as one of the organizers for SouthWaynePorchFest. She resides in Wayne and has three grown children; her two sons are Radnor graduates.
Susan has invested over twenty years in Radnor and believes in our community. Her time as a volunteer has been tested as never before this year, leading the Board through the COVID-19 pandemic. The critical role our schools play in educating and supporting our students and families has never before been so evident. We must maintain Radnor’s outstanding educational opportunities, address the learning impacts that have arisen this year, yet also continue to move forward on all our initiatives. These tasks require a steady hand, experience, fortitude and commitment to the values of public education. Susan will continue to fulfill those needs, as she has done for the last eight years.